Seymann - The wine artisans from Pulkautal in Austria
Mike MortensenIn 2002, Harald Seymann together with his brother Alexander inherited "the treasure of the Pulkau valley" in the western part of the Weinviertel. Harald is also a skilled and well-known cinematographer who mainly makes documentaries - also about wine.
Harald's wife Nancy Lee, who grew up in California (and has Turkish roots) is a multi-artist and is responsible for marketing, labels for the wines (which she creates herself) and hosting special food and wine events. Nancy is a passionate chef and food creator and hosts numerous culinary events at the winery. Falstaff has rated this part of the company with 3 great stars (clusters)
Their son Laurin has studied winemaking and works actively in the vineyards and cellar as well as helping with marketing and development. Laurin has, among other things, studied winemaking in New Zealand and in Latin America.
The Seymanns see their role as winemakers as being catalysts for the production of wines with a unique and outstanding personality. Here - on the small vineyard of just 3 hectares - there is no question of mass production!
Seymann's wines "whisper secrets" about the individual vineyards from which they develop as well as the winemaker's love, understanding and connection to these vineyards.
Intensive biodynamic-organic revitalization of their land is their primary focus. "We are committed to sustainable organic farming and we cultivate our vines with respect for all living creatures that inhabit our little paradise on earth."