Stairs n Roses, Kinheim, Mosel
Mike MortensenWhat do the rock band Guns n' Roses and the song Stairways to heaven (Led Zeppelin) have to do with wine?
The 2 elements mentioned (stairs and roses) are the inspirational background for Julia Molitor-Justen and Dr. Daniel Molitor's thoughts and intentions regarding the wine project Stairs n'Roses - but there is more to it:
Stairs (stairs) is treppchen in German - and Julia Molitor-Justen comes from the town of Erden, where the famous Erdener Treppchen vineyards are located. And Roses? In Kinheim - where Daniel comes from and where they live - is the Kinheimer ROSENberg vineyard. Julia and Daniel have thus beautifully combined stairs and roses in a wine series through their marriage. In addition, with their exciting wines and different labels, they have "kicked" the traditions a bit; They got a well-known artist to prepare the beautiful labels and when you see the original Guns n' Roses logo, you have no doubt where (after all) some inspiration was taken.
Stairs n Roses goes against the grain in several ways:
Traditionally, the Riesling grape is synonymous with the Mosel. The younger Molitors, however, (also) take other paths and have, among other things, planted Müller-Thurgau, Cabernet blanc and Sauvignac. At the same time, experiments are being made with "minimal cuts", "orange wine" and much more.